Saturday, February 2, 2013


During the last week we have focused our attention a lot on focusing both during the lessons and some of us even stayed after school in order to finish the editing and make sure that we finish the opening sequence before showing it to everyone as a rough cut next Thursday ( 7.2.2013) 

What I like so far...

So far I really like how the opening sequence has turned out, but I like our graphic matching the most because it turned out just the way we had hoped. It really does make the whole sequence more interesting and it shows off some of the techniques we have learnt during lesson. As our target audience is younger people, it is important that we have interesting shots like these ones but also have a relatively fast pace of editing in order to create a sense of excitement and I think we have definitely done that in the inter-cutting of the 2 characters. Some of the shots which are less important but needed i.e. showing the boy put his hand on his ipod to change the song, these type of shots are perfect to put the credits over them. 
When the main girl, Ruby is walking to the house party, some of the shots we had I thought were really good because we had varied them a lot from close-ups to long shots. This establishes were she is but also again showing the close details of the girl such as showing her pretty shoes; an important aspect in order to fulfil our target audience's expectations, who are mainly girls.
 When the girl is getting ready the shots we had are really good because we have maintained our aim of showing only close details of her face such as her eyes and lips, in order to not reveal her face until the actual party. However, some of the times we do show her face so those will need to be re-filmed otherwise this effect would not work.
 The party scene I thought also had good shots, especially at the beginning where the camera moves along the dolly across the room to create a very flowy feel, which makes the viewer feel as though they are there, which is important as we want to make the viewers part of our opening sequence and not bore them. 

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