How have you opened and saved the project?
I opened my garageband project by from the media folder which we had to all save in on the Macs. We later had to export the files which meant that it was saved in as a published clip with the video and sound in it together.
Any problems you encountered with the software?
The problems I had with garageband was that sometimes when I saved the video and later come to view it, some of the files of the sound I had importanted said that it was 'not found' which meant that we had to find extra time to find these files.
Anything else related to the task as a technical exersise?
Overall I thought we did an effective sound extract for the opening sequene for Harry Potter. However, I did find it quite hard to choose exactly the right sound for some of my shots fro the sequence as a lot of the strings for example all sounded quite similar. This therefore meant that we had to use up more time finding the most suitable sound clip for out sequence and we did take up more time which meant we didn't quite get to finish out product in the remaining 3 lessons. So now that i am more familiar with garageband, hopefully in my real project which I will be creating, I will be more familiar with the sound clips and how it all works.
What did you learn that you will be able to transfer to the filming project?
I learned that to create an effective video for the opening sequence sound was extremely important in conveying the right mood for the audience to experience. For example. using high piercing sound at the beginning and gloomy, dark non-diagetic sound conveyed the eeriness. Also I learnt that by contrasting music such as having uplifting music after a previous scene of tension this created more mystery and drew the audience closer to the action of the film. I think I have become a lot more confident in editing sound tracks and also controlling their volumes, for example, making some clips quieter than others for effect. This is something that will try to I apply in my final project so that it can show that I have learned a range of different ways to make sound more effective.